Repeat flowering, old fashioned roses for better soils

Knowing your roses will help enormously when choosing what to plant. There are roses with different habits - from large and branching to neat and compact, from ground cover to upright or climbing. Some roses are more tolerant of poor soil whilst others are much fussier, so it is important to take a little time to choose the right one for your border.

China roses such as 'Mutabilis', tend to flower over a long period so rose breeders hybridised once and only roses with the Chinas in order to lengthen bloom time. However many of these roses were not strong or disease resistant, so over time these have been sorted and thinned out with some good ‘survivors’, but ….. most old-fashioned repeat-flowering roses do need good growing conditions to do well. Give them what they like and they will reward you wonderful blooms..

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